You have to give her points for effort. Surrounded by technical problems, a fading voice struggling with local atmosphere and a crowd that appeared to be more interested in a night out rather than appreciating her performance, she soldiered on, giving it 100%.
Paloma is from a dance background. She incorporates her skills tightly through her whole show as she choreographs with her backing singing. She emerged from the side of stage, striding on in a pink dress and red boots that would not be out of place on a London dominatrix, and informed the audience she was going to take her anger over the UK elections results out in her music. Angry in Pink.
Overall her hit songs stand out, full of depth and texture, with great melodies, but these really only number half a dozen. The rest of the songs blended together, as slightly indulgent soul grooves.
The highlights were ‘Picking Up the Pieces’, ‘Ready for the Good Life’ and a cover of the INXS MOR track ‘Never Tear Us’ which she imbued with a fresh soul groove.
A disappointment was the omission of ‘Stone Cold Sober’, but by the end of the night with her voice struggling, the song may have been too big an ask. The strength of Paloma resides in the expression and personality of her and her songs. A smaller, more intimate venue would have been better.
Angry in Pink